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- 1995 Foundation (development of hard- and software for new medical technology called measurement, training and documentation systems)
- 1996 Presentation of mtd-control R, establishment of marketing structure in Germany
- 1997 Presentation of mtd-control L
- 1998 Establishment of marketing structure in Europe
- 1999 Conformity evaluation and authorization according to EC Directive 93/42/EWG
- 2000 Presentation of mtd-balance
- 2002 Establishment of marketing structure in Asia
- 2003 Presentation of mtd-trainer
- 2005 Presentation of mtd-trainer mobile
- 2007 Presentation of mtd-feedbackball
- 2008 Publishment of concept „motoric learning and feedback“
- 2011 Presentation of Physiofeedback NX software and new design of mtd-balance
- 2014 Presentation of mtd jump analysis
- 2015 Company anniversary “20 years mtd-systems”
- 2016 Presentation mtd-balance mobile Basic
- 2017 Presentation mtd-Goniometer Set
- 2018 Presentation mtd-fine motor skills workstation for mtd-Feedbackball
- 2020 Presentation mtd-Feedbackmodul
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