mtd-systems is celebrating an anniversary of “motoric rehabilitation“. “Physiofeedbacksystems“ and “economical efficient therapy“ – these are the keywords which the development of the company was based on within the last 15 years. Drawing the balance of the last 15 years, it shows a successful history of 750 sold physiofeedback systems in 18 different countries. Hundreds of patients perform their training with the mtd-systems platforms on a daily basis.
To turn a „standard knee curl“ into a therapeutic instrument was the idea Erich Neumann was focused on. He wanted to upgrade the “original training machine“ into a therapeutic measurement instrument. On the 1st of February 1995 mtd-systems was founded. Then everything went quickly. The electronics had to be developed, the software programmed, and the systems had to be designed into an appealing look. Also the sales department had to be set up. Step-by-step the idea started to become reality. The name of the company was influenced by the first letters of the three words “measuring“, “training“ and “documentation“: mtd-systems
Other innovations followed. Stand alone Physiofeedback- Systems were invented. That was the origin of mtd-balance and mtd-feedbackball. Also the software received more and more features. The present fifth generation includes countless measure-, analysing-, and training options and provides a complete documentation.
The sales department in Germany was growing. More and more therapists were convinced of mtd-products. Also clinics and residental homes followed to integrate the mtd- Physiofeedback-Systems. The interest in mtd-products extended worldwide