mtd-balance mobile Basic

For the 30th anniversary mtd-systems launches the second generation of mtd-balance mobile Basic. Equipped with the latest Physiofeedback software, mtd-balance mobile offers you more functions for measuring, training and documenting and a revised screen design.

In addition to the well-known software features such as functional measurements, simple creation of training plans and automatic documentation, the Physiofeedback software impresses with its

  • Intuitive navigation
    quick start of applications
  • Clear structure of graphical user interface
    all functions at a glance
  • Individualize the sotware
    adapting measuring and training modes

Due to its compact design and in combination with the mtd-mobile rack, it is easy to transport from room to room and requires little space.

mtd-balance mobile Basic – also available in individual colors in the anniversary year.

The Physiofeedback Basic Line system solutions are the ideal entry point for measuring, training and documenting. They meet all the requirements of sensorimotor learning.

Happy Birthday mtd-systems

mtd-systems celebrates anniversary: „From head to toe successful in motoric rehabilitation„, „From therapists for therapists“ and „to a success for the patient“ are keywords which accompanied the development of the company from Neunburg vorm Wald for 25 years.

And the result can be seen: In 18 countries hundreds of patients train daily on Physiofeedback-Systems.

Turning a „normal training device“ into a measurement, training and documentation system – this idea drove Erich Neumann. The foundation stone was laid. On 1. February 1995 mtd-systems was launched. Then it went one after the other. An electronic was developed, the software was programmed and last but not least the distribution was established.

The next innovations followed. Device independent Physiofeedbacksystems were developed. Also the software got more and more features and is now available as Physiofeedback NX with countless measurement, analysis and training possibilities. The distribution grew and year after year more and more therapists and clinics rely on mtd products.


The new product mtd-feedbackmodul is now available.With the mtd-feedbackmodul mtd-systems extends its product range by a training system for installation in standard training devices. Enhance your training equipment with the mtd-feedbackmodule and receive:

  • Optimal training guided by optical and acoustic real-time feedback
  • Automatic documentation of all relevant training data
  • Training with a high motivation character

The mtd-feedbackmodul is the ideal solution for training and documentation in prevention, fitness, wellness and sports.

mtd-fine motor skills workstation

Expand your therapy possibilities with the fine motor skills workstation for the mtd-feedbackball. Measure and train, for example:

  • the hand force
  • the fine motor skills and sensor skills of individual fingers
  • pronation / supination of the wrist


  • functional
  • motivating
  • result-oriented

The mtd-feedbackball is a true all-rounder in motoric rehabilitation. From head to toe. mtd-systems – the expert in motoric rehabilitation.

mtd-Goniometer Set

As of today the new mtd-Goniometer Set is up for sale. In addition to the known measurement modes there is now the option to analyse the movement in relation to the path of movement in measurements like stand up, kneebends, jumps etc. The following parameters are being calculated and graphically presented:

  • minimum angle of the movement
  • maximum angle of the movement
  • maximum applied force right
  • maximum applied force left
  • average applied force left
  • average applied force right
  • force / angle per ms left
  • force / angle per ms right

Those values are important foundations for any diagnosis and creation of a trainingplan.

mtd-balance mobile Basic

The mtd-balance mobile Basic is now available.  With the mtd-balance mobile Basic, mtd-systems extends the product range by a multifunctional platform for practice and home visits. The compact design and the mtd-mobile rack allows an easy transport, needs little space and the therapist can setup a complete workstation for motoric rehabilitation in a very short time. The mobile version of mtd-balance offers the same variety of functions as the stationary system.

The system solutions of the Physiofeedback Basic Line are perfect starter package for measuring, training and documenting fitness, wellness, sports and prevention.

20 years mtd-systems

Creating the future with innovations!

This is the principle of mtd-systems in developing and producing of physiofeedback systems for 20 years. The new and further developments for the last years inspire therapists and patients. Already Several hundred practices, hospitals and rehabilitation centers trust on mtd-physiofeedback systems worldwide.

Customer focus, reliability and expertise of our employees characterize the image of mtd-systems. Everything from a single source, development, production, quality control and shipping. Successful in:

  • Pediatrics
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedics
  • Traumatology
  • Geriatrics
  • Sports

mtd-systems – the expert in motoric rehabilitation.

15 years mtd-systems

mtd-systems is celebrating an anniversary of “motoric rehabilitation“. “Physiofeedbacksystems“ and “economical efficient therapy“ – these are the keywords which the development of the company was based on within the last 15 years. Drawing the balance of the last 15 years, it shows a successful history of 750 sold physiofeedback systems in 18 different countries. Hundreds of patients perform their training with the mtd-systems platforms on a daily basis.

To turn a „standard knee curl“ into a therapeutic instrument was the idea Erich Neumann was focused on. He wanted to upgrade the “original training machine“ into a therapeutic measurement instrument. On the 1st of February 1995 mtd-systems was founded. Then everything went quickly. The electronics had to be developed, the software programmed, and the systems had to be designed into an appealing look. Also the sales department had to be set up. Step-by-step the idea started to become reality. The name of the company was influenced by the first letters of the three words “measuring“, “training“ and “documentation“: mtd-systems

Other innovations followed. Stand alone Physiofeedback- Systems were invented. That was the origin of mtd-balance and mtd-feedbackball. Also the software received more and more features. The present fifth generation includes countless measure-, analysing-, and training options and provides a complete documentation.

The sales department in Germany was growing. More and more therapists were convinced of mtd-products. Also clinics and residental homes followed to integrate the mtd- Physiofeedback-Systems. The interest in mtd-products extended worldwide

Workshop "Successful Motoric Rehabilitation"

Motoric rehabilitation is that part of physical therapy that currently experiences major changes.

On one hand there are new techniques like in the area of endoprothetics, on the other hand new scientific knowledge in the area of brain research and as well as the new regulations like obligatory documentation requirement. All of these points need to be considered on our daily job. They have a great impact on motoric rehabilitation in all areas starting at pediatrics, orthopetics, traumatology, neurology up to geriatrics.

In the workshop „Successful Motoric Rehabilitation“ we offer an opportunity, to get updated about the current state in motoric learning.


  • basics of motoric learning
  • evels of motoric rehabilitation
  • implementation of physiofeedback systems
  • practical experience (measuring, training, documenting)
  • recapitulation und discussion