Therapy from tip to toe

Motoric rehabilitation today is one of the primary measures in occupational- and physical therapie and it‘s importance increases continuously.

Reasons are

  • big range of application, e.g. from pediatric to orthopedic field, traumatology and neurology up to geriatric field.
  • the steady increasing number of people with movement disorders.
  • the scientific progess in motoric learning.

With the latest knowledge in the area of motoric learning the goal of application and the application technology have experienced a significant progress and change.

The goal of application in motoric rehabilitation contains besides of improving strength, balance, coordination, reaction, speed, antizipation and body perception also movement strategy and controlling.

mtd-Physiofeedbacksystems meet all of these requirements and our systems are:

  • Functional:
    The patient learns by solving movement tasks instead of performing preset movement patterns.
  • Individual:
    Time, length, dosage and comprehensibility are adjustable according to the patients condition.
  • Motivating:
    Because of obvious success with each training.
  • Safe:
    Decreasing fear, by offering a save training and at the same time extending the movement range very carefully.
  • Economical:
    Less staff required for operating the training system. The patient is able to perform his training independently.
  • Goal-oriented:
    By measuring and documenting progress.

Measuring, training and documentation in medicine and sports

mtd-Physiofeedbacksystems are used in the medical branch, expecially occupational and physical practices, clinics as well as hospitals, residental homes and rehabilitation facilities.

Medical application field:

  • Neurology
    – post stroke
    – post traumatic brain injury
    – post hypoxic damage
    – Morbus Parkinson
    – Multiple Sklerose
  • Orthopedics
    – post endoprothesis
    – post sport injury
    – arthrosis
    – Inactivity atrophy / muscle building after immobilization
    – back pain / postural deformityIhre
  • Pediatrics
    – ICP = infantile cerebral paralysis
    – ADS = attention deficit disorder
    – hyperactive children
    – physical inactivity
  • Geriatrics
    – prophylactic balance training
    – testing dualtasking ability
    – testing strength
    – testing coordination skills
  • Sports
    – measuring jumps
    – measuring speed
    – solated measurements of strength of single joints
    – functional measurements of strength in complex movements
  • Traumatology
    – Different clinical pictures due to injuries such as SHT, spinal cord injuries (SCI) etc.

Fall prevention

The Issue:

The majority of injuries caused by falls in advanced age results of a lack of physical fitness. Studies of scientists have shown that physical training is the most effective method to prevent such falls. Training muscles, the sense of balance and above all the reaction skills noticeably improves physical dexterity and nimbleness. It restores elder peoples self-confidence that they need to manage their daily tasks independently.

The Solution:

Training with mtd-balance or mtd-balance mobile!

  • Functional design
    with functional tasks instead of standart movement requirements. The patient re-learns how to react to external circumstances.
  • Meets individual needs
    The individual, not the group, is trained. Time, length, dosage, and level of comprehensibility can be modified according to each patients needs.
  • Optimum relearning of motoric skills
    Due to realtime computer feedback.
  • Safe in application
    There is no danger of falling, since there are no „loose boards“ or vibration plates.
  • Highly motivating
    Visual success in every training session is fun, gives self-confidence and reduces the fear to fall!
  • Economically efficient
    Due to minimum personnel requirements. The patient can exercise on his/her own after a brief introductory training.
  • Measuring the danger of falling
    via test training, measurement and documentation

The result:
mtd-balance and mtd-balance mobile provide optimum prevention..